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When I wake up in-vision

 All the souls, entities, organisms around me shifting, operating, manifesting,

In our highest life condition 


The kind of universe that can still include the nagging and annoyances that can be fixed with love and sweet kisses, 


But free from the evil that condemns one for existing, and feels entitled to kill their dreams and wishes 


Upholding the dignity of every life will be as common as eating breakfast,

The messages we agree on and see only  reaffirm that black lives are indeed precious. 


Because celebrations of the once oppressed at every corner will prevail, 

Vibrating sounds of unity and joy,

Long squashed visions take their form and set sail. 


Navigating my path, 

Fearlessly stitching an open heart to my sleeve,

My partner and i both stay because it feels right. 

Choosing to stay when at times we could just leave. 


Gazing into the eyes of my children

Imparting and receiving knowledge on the correct way to live,

Continuously seeking on the daily 

Self-rejuvenation and the tireless strive to give.


Feeling the soil of new lands under my feet,

Cross crossing language, Learning, exchanging, and creating 

Many in body but one in mind 



Not too little, not too much

By this point in the future,

We’ll all have some

And it will be more than enough. 


A center place open for deep solace

Existing to experience, connect, and heal,

On soil that honors art as therapy for the soul,

Fostering dreams while acknowledging the real. 

~Olivia Eng


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